What US privacy laws do advertisers need to be aware of in 2023?
January 28th is celebrated globally as Data Privacy Day. It acts as a reminder that several US...

What we learned about Privacy in 2021?
How Did It Start? At the heart of the whole privacy discussion is the question, “Why is the...

ADTECH Vendor Caught Tampering With Consent Signals
Every trusted signal is a potential target for forgery, and privacy consent signals are no...

EU Publishers: Are You In the Crosshairs of GDPR Enforcement?
Publishers frequently ask us whether they’re really responsible for their vendors’ use of user...

Ad Serving, Serving Fines: How California is Cracking Down with GPC
As of July 1, 2021, the California Attorney General (AG) began sending violation notifications to...

Worried about GDPR and CCPA? Don’t Overlook the Malvertising Threat.
Are you’re a publisher who’s made major changes in the wake of new regulations and new anxieties...