Malvertising Metaphor - Outages and Speed of Response
Bad Stuff Can Happen What happens when the world’s largest ad server network goes down? Google Ad...

MAQ 2021 WRAP UP: 1 in every 125 ad impressions dangerous
Confiant finds One in Every 125 Ad Impressions Dangerous or Disruptive to Users In 2021 The...

Looking back on 2020: Review on Malvertising activity and Ad Quality
This gif summed up 2020 fairly well: Source: Giphy Although most of us are glad that the dumpster...

Malvertising activity in November
This blog post series recaps some of the large attacks Confiant observed and prevented during...

Malvertising activity in September
This blog post will recap some of the large attacks Confiant observed and prevented during...

Stopping wapSiphone: A Malvertising Threat to Mobile Devices
Threat actors are always developing creative new ways to circumvent obstacles that block their...

Malvertising in Govt, Enterprise Targets Old Software, Macs
A new report on malicious advertising underscores the importance of using modern web browsers and...

Hackers Have Breached 60 Ad Servers to Load Their Own Malicious Ads
A mysterious hacker group has been taking over ad servers for the past nine months in order to...

The Evolution of Malvertising and its Impact on the Future of Publishing
Malicious advertising, also known as malvertising, is a common and highly-profitable security...

The Difference Between Malvertising and Ad Fraud (And Why It Matters)
The terms are sometimes used interchangeably, but they mean very different things, and refer to...

4 Reasons Malvertisers are Some of the Most Sophisticated Advertisers
It’s tempting to write off malvertisers as simply an annoyance or unsophisticated criminals, but...