Confiant Product Marketing Team • 1 minute read
Confiant Launches Political Ad Management for Video

Confiant, the ad tech industry’s anti-malvertising leader, today announced the launch of a new Political Ad Management product to help SSP and DSP platforms exert more control over political ads. The tool expands on Confiant's malvertising and quality protection by offering deeper visibility into and analysis of political creatives so that platforms can filter out unwanted political ads for their publisher partners.
A Pivotal Moment for Political Advertising
With ad spends—and misinformation—accelerating in the lead up to the 2024 Presidential election, publishers are understandably wary of serving political ads without appropriate visibility into their content. Confiant built Political Ad Management to provide both SSPs and DSPs with an added layer of confidence and control heading into this election cycle.
Political creatives are both lucrative and risky. For many publishers, the risk of inappropriate content often outweighs the monetary reward, leading them to block all political ads from serving on their sites. With tools like political attack ad flags, searchable keywords, content analysis, and sensitive imagery detection for video creatives, Political Ad Management gives SSP and DSP platforms the control they need to reassure their publisher partners that only appropriate content will appear on their site.
Confiant's Political Ad Management product is a holistic solution for addressing the most common political ad concerns for publishers: attack ads, negative tone and language, disturbing content, and sensitive topics that might offend some audiences.
Peace of Mind When Running Political Ads
Political Ad Management also analyzes the content of a video creative—including spoken language—for overall sentiment or tone, allowing platforms to analyze, filter out, and remove any creative that conflicts with their policies. By ensuring only the most suitable ads reach publishing partners, Political Ad Management by Confiant allows SSPs and DSPs to reduce administrative efforts and operating costs without missing out on political ad revenue.
Benefits for SSP and DSP Platforms
- Increased visibility and control: Flag creatives that don’t meet your policy standards and remove them from the ad supply.
- Intelligent analysis: Get deeper insights into the content of every political creative, including spoken audio, sentiment or tone, and sensitive topics such as weapons or hate symbols.
- Optimize political ad spend: Only serve creatives that are suitable and ensure they don’t get blocked downstream.
Visit our Political Ad Management for Platforms page for more information.